barbiturate|barbiturates in English


[bar·bi·tu·rate || bɑː'bɪtjʊrət]

drug used as a sedative

Use "barbiturate|barbiturates" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "barbiturate|barbiturates" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "barbiturate|barbiturates", or refer to the context using the word "barbiturate|barbiturates" in the English Dictionary.

1. Barbiturate overdose is poisoning due to excessive doses of Barbiturates

2. Barbiturate General Structure and Numbering • Barbiturates contain a “balance” of hydrophilic (2,4,6-pyrimidinetrione ring structure) and lipophilic (5,5’-substituents) functionality

3. Barbiturates Barbiturates Barbiturates

4. The Barbiturate withdrawal timeline depends on a number of factors including a person’s age, the length of time s/he has been on Barbiturates, other mental and emotional conditions and how much Barbiturates one has used.

5. Barbiturate (372798009); Barbiturate-containing product (60978003) Definition

6. Barbiturate The animals were sacrificed by an overdose of Barbiturates and per fused transcardially with a 4% paraformaldehyde solution following a rinse with normal saline

7. Barbital is a long-acting barbiturate which is controlled under Schedule IV of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances. See WHO comment for barbiturates

8. Pharmacokinetics and Barbiturates: Introduction and Overview: Barbiturates: Although barbituric acid was the first Barbiturate synthesized over hundred years ago, thiopental (Pentothal) has been clinical use for about 70 years in its use mark the beginning of IV anesthesia

9. Barbiturate Withdrawal Timeline

10. Medical Treatment of Barbiturate Abuse The treatment of Barbiturate abuse or overdose is generally supportive

11. Different Barbiturates clear …

12. Barbital is a barbiturate sedative-hypnotic

13. Barbiturate is a DEA controlled drug

14. What are Barbiturates (baar·bi·chr·uhts)? Barbiturates are known as depressants or downers

15. Barbiturate (bar-bit-yoor-ăt) n

16. Barbiturate overdose may be intentional or accidental

17. The long-acting Barbiturate phenobarbital is an

18. History of Barbiturate Use in the United States

19. Barbiturates dissolve easily in fat

20. Taking an overdose of a Barbiturate or taking alcohol or other CNS depressants with the Barbiturate may lead to unconsciousness and possibly death

21. Barbiturates: Definition Barbiturates are medicines that act on the central nervous system and cause drowsiness and can control seizures

22. Barbiturates are used to treat headaches

23. Then barbiturates when I get back.

24. Barbiturates are substances that act as depressants on the central nervous system. In low doses Barbiturates have a sedative or tranquilizing effect

25. What are Barbiturates (Barbs)? Barbiturates (frequently referred to as “ barbs ”) are a class of drugs that are central nervous system depressants